Happy New Year!

6 simple ways to get the best results from your MSB Form


We’re confident that when you make the switch to MSB Form, you’ll never look back. You’ll see immediate benefits and savings. Here are our top 6 insider tips to help ensure you maximise the benefits of using your MSB Form.

1 – Setting string lines

Always set string lines to 10mm / 0.4” above FFL (finished floor level). This will ensure you know which way to turn the insert to remain below the board & not be hit by screed, hand tools or power trowels when finishing the edges.

2 – Spray frames with form oil

Before you pour, spray your MSB Form frames with form oil. Then, after they’ve been stripped, wash your frames with a high pressure cleaner – this will ensure they stay in great condition for many years to come, maximising your investment.

3 – Stick to the process

We strongly recommend that when using the product, you stick to the process that we teach you. This will ensure consistency and allow you to scale your business up. It ensures everyone on each site, whether they are thousands of miles apart, will be doing the job exactly the same way. It also creates a chain of responsibility in the pre-pour quality control processes you put in place to ensure the highest possible standard. Not sometimes – every time.

4 – Set up your truck correctly

Set up your truck or trailer for ease of use and for speed. Everything should have a clearly labeled spot. Minutes equals hours equals days – time that is lost or saved at the end of the day/week/month/year – which we all know converts to either a loss or saving to your business.

5 – Upskill everyone

Teach everyone on site to be able to form, place & finish. This will allow your employees to learn new skills and have more job satisfaction. It will also ensure that when you are down on labour in one area because of traditional staffing issues – sickness, family issues, hangover! – the team can share the extra load & still ensure the job gets done at the highest standard.
Everyone will be more suited to a certain aspect of the job, but it’s still important that they know at least some of the areas that may not be their strongest point.

6 – Buy a pan!

Buy a pan. It will get you out of trouble time and time again. A lot of people think the pan is a waste of time. They are completely wrong. To get super flat floors, a pan HAS to be used. A pan will also come in handy during hot & windy days when the concrete is dry on top but spongy underneath. By ripping the surface with the pan early and floating over it, it allows the moisture to come to the top and create an even drying rate. It will help greatly with step downs and internal walls. It will take some time to get used to, but when it’s mastered it becomes an incredibly effective tool in your arsenal.

If you’re interested in finding out more about using MSB Form on your sites, contact us today.